Salvaged By God

What is your assignment?

Discover your God-given purpose through understanding Christs work in your life. Share your personal transformation story, focusing on Jesus impact. Your testimony is a powerful tool for encouraging others and potential salvation. Tell it truthfully, sincerely, and authentically.

Chris Danielson

2 min read

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Understanding Your Personal Assignment

Every believer has a God-given assignment that emerges through understanding what Christ has done in their life. In Mark 5:17-20, we see a powerful example of this through the story of the demon-possessed man who was transformed by Jesus.

The Cultural Context

We live in increasingly challenging times marked by depraved thinking and cultural chaos. Like Frodo in The Lord of the Rings who wished he lived in different times, we may feel the same. However, as Gandalf wisely noted, we don't get to choose our times - we only decide what to do with the time given to us.

What to Tell: Your Personal Experience

The core of sharing your faith is telling your personal story of transformation. Just as the formerly demon-possessed man was instructed to "go home to your family and tell them everything the Lord has done for you" (Mark 5:19), believers today should:

  • Share their personal experience of salvation
  • Focus on what Jesus has specifically done in their life
  • Express genuine gratitude for God's mercy
  • Maintain humility while telling their story

Like the blind man in John 9 who simply stated "Once I was blind but now I see," your testimony should focus on the clear change Christ has made in your life.

Why Tell Your Story

Several compelling reasons exist for sharing your testimony:

  • For Jesus's sake - out of love and gratitude for His sacrifice
  • To encourage other believers
  • For the potential salvation of others
  • For your own spiritual growth and strengthening
  • To maintain your spiritual backbone in challenging times

How to Tell Your Story

When sharing your testimony:

  1. Tell it truthfully - stick to your actual experience
  2. Share sincerely - avoid flippant or casual approaches
  3. Tell it spiritually and reverently - share with God first
  4. Share privately - one-on-one conversations are often more effective than group settings
  5. Keep it authentic - don't try to be someone you're not
  6. Rely on the Holy Spirit for the right words

The Power of Personal Testimony

The demon-possessed man's transformation led him to share throughout the Decapolis region, and "everyone was amazed" (Mark 5:20). When you've genuinely experienced Christ's transforming power, you naturally want others to experience it too. Your story becomes a powerful tool for showing others what Jesus can do in a person's life.

Those who have been truly saved by grace will not be satisfied until others come to know Christ. The greatest testimony is a transformed life pointing others to the Savior who changes lives, breaks bondages, and offers eternal hope.

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