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Gramster Rant: The Great Delusion
We're witnessing what Scripture warns about in 2 Thessalonians 2. The powerful delusion God will send isn't just a future event - we're seeing its early stages now. Those who refuse to love truth are embracing lies, calling evil good. While this primarily affects those rejecting truth, not believers, it should spark our compassion for the lost rather than hardening our hearts.
As persecution intensifies, we must stand firm in God's Word. The signs prophesied are becoming clearer daily. Don't fear the suffering that may come for Christ's sake - the reward will be great. Get into Scripture personally; there's power there that encourages hearts and enables us to stand strong. His Word is life.
Salvaged by God Deep Dive: The Heart's Deception
Following your heart sounds inspiring, but Hollywood's version misses the mark. While there's truth in pursuing dreams, we must measure our heart's desires against Scripture. The coming delusion involves making ourselves our own god. Much of what Paul and Peter wrote addressed professing Christians who were actually lost, not just unbelievers.
Rather than blindly following feelings, we should take our new Spirit-filled heart and align it with God's Word. When we feel called to something that doesn't work out as expected, we must maintain a Kingdom mindset, seeking what God is teaching us rather than blaming Him when our plans fail.
The Gospel & Rock and Roll
A 40-year pastor and former rock musician shared how God used music in his salvation journey. His wife strategically introduced Christian rock music at home, eventually leading him to attend a Second Chapter of Acts concert where the Holy Spirit pierced his heart. Three months later, he fully surrendered to Christ.
Music has unique power as "oil" that helps truth penetrate hearts. While some debate whether rock music can be redeemed for worship, testimonies show God can use various styles to draw people to Himself when the message exalts Christ.
Right On or Way Off?
"Those who don't know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either." - Golda Meir RIGHT ON! The depths of sorrow we're willing to experience connect directly to our capacity for profound joy and genuine laughter. It's a divine dichotomy - you can't have one without the other.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - George Orwell RIGHT ON! True peace requires strength and readiness to defend against evil. Being meek doesn't mean being weak - it means having power under control. While roles evolve, the principle of protective strength remains essential for societal stability.
"God cannot give us happiness and peace apart from himself because it is not there." RIGHT ON! All genuine goodness flows from God. While unbelievers may experience temporary happiness, true lasting peace and joy are found only in relationship with Christ.