Shining God's Light in a Dark Place w/the Christian Coalition!



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The Mission of Christian Coalition: Defending Family and Faith

As the National Field Director of Christian Coalition, Keith Den Hollander works tirelessly to defend family values and Christian principles in Washington D.C. While darkness is evident in the nation's capital, Den Hollander emphasizes there is also significant light - you just have to look for it. Many good people, including congressmen and senators, are working diligently to uphold biblical values.

From its inception, Christian Coalition has focused on defending the family unit, which faces unprecedented attacks in modern society. While other industries have lobbying groups protecting their interests, families need advocates fighting for their preservation and flourishing.

Key Issues Facing Families Today

The biggest epidemic facing society is fatherlessness. Statistics show direct correlations between children in fatherless homes and involvement in the criminal justice system. Government policies have inadvertently incentivized family breakdown through:

  • Tax benefits that favor single status
  • Welfare programs easier to qualify for when unmarried
  • Housing assistance that rewards separation
  • Financial incentives for having children outside marriage

Prison Reform and Abundant Life

Christian Coalition approaches prison reform through the lens of John 10:10 - "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly."

Rather than just focusing on getting people out of prison, they work to prevent incarceration by addressing root causes:

  • Supporting domestic adoption to help foster children
  • Combating human trafficking through victim-centered laws
  • Ensuring equal access to justice regardless of economic status
  • Reforming bail policies that discriminate against the poor

Getting Involved

Christians are encouraged to engage in the political process while maintaining their faith. As Den Hollander notes, "Jesus Christ is not part of anyone's life - He is your life." This should permeate every aspect of living, including political involvement.

Those interested in supporting Christian Coalition's work can:

  • Visit to sign up for communications
  • Get involved at the state/local level
  • Start a chapter in their community
  • Begin attending local government meetings

Right On or Way Off Segment

The show concluded with the regular "Right On or Way Off" segment, addressing several cultural statements:

"Love thy neighbor as thyself means love yourself first" WAY OFF! While self-forgiveness through Christ is important, the command emphasizes selfless love of others rather than self-focused love.

"Robin Hood was about equality through wealth redistribution" WAY OFF! The story depicted returning stolen property to rightful owners, not forced equality.

"Could bongos work as a wedding solo?" RIGHT ON! While unconventional, there are scenarios where it could be meaningful, like a skilled musician performing a piece written specially for the occasion.