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Being Salt and Light in a Dark World
In an age where recreational Christianity is fading, God is searching for those He can count on "for such a time as this." This calling to be salt and light raises two critical questions: Are you someone God can count on, and can you discern false teaching in these deceptive times?
Understanding Our Cultural Moment
We live in what British journalist Melanie Phillips calls an "age of unreason," where truth claims are dismissed as inherently right-wing and therefore evil. This cultural shift reflects Romans 1's description of minds given over to depravity, where rational dialogue has been replaced by cancellation and silencing of dissent.
The Biblical Framework for Salt and Light
Scripture presents four key areas where believers must be salt and light:
- In our homes
- In our churches
- In tearing down false gods (Judges 6)
- In building up what honors God (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)
This calling requires divine power to "destroy strongholds and arguments" that oppose the knowledge of God. Authentic biblical discernment always aligns with Scripture and helps protect against deception.
Confronting Cultural Deception
One example of current deception is the phrase "welcoming and affirming." While Jesus welcomed all people, including society's outcasts, He never affirmed sinful lifestyles. Instead, He offered deliverance from sin, as evidenced in John 8:11 where He told the woman caught in adultery to "go and sin no more."
Today's cultural forces attempt to silence testimonies of transformation and healing found in Christ. The authentic gospel welcomes everyone while offering the truth of Jesus as our substitute - rescuing us from destruction and giving us new life as we turn from wickedness to pursue righteousness.
Standing Firm in Difficult Times
Matthew 24:9-14 warns believers that they "will be arrested, persecuted and killed" and "hated all over the world" for following Jesus. Many will fall away, false prophets will deceive many, and sin will be rampant. Yet those who endure to the end will be saved as the gospel spreads to all nations.
This reality requires building spiritual "arks" - communities of believers united in truth and love. While this may not be popular, the calling isn't to grow churches but to be obedient to Jesus and let Him build His church. The message remains simple yet profound: Jesus as our substitute on the cross is more than enough.
The path forward isn't found in complex strategies but in faithful proclamation of Christ crucified. As spiritual warfare intensifies and artificial intelligence claims godlike attributes, believers must stand firm in biblical truth, maintaining their witness as salt and light in an increasingly dark world. Our joy and hope remain in sharing the gospel and walking in unity with fellow believers, regardless of what challenges we face.