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Confronting Truth in an Age of Deception
In a world that increasingly rejects absolute truth, the fundamental question emerges: Do we view life through a horizontal lens focused on earthly concerns, or through a vertical lens focused on God's eternal perspective? This distinction proves crucial for maintaining hope and being effective salt and light in our culture.
Understanding True Discernment
The greatest threat to being salt and light is false teaching and false Christs. Authentic discernment must flow from Scripture - God's Word in its completeness and sufficiency. The Bible serves as both our final authority and completely sufficient guide for salvation and sanctification.
The Rich Man's Warning
Luke 16:19-31 presents the story of the rich man and Lazarus, illustrating more than just physical neglect. This parable represents those within the visible church who have embraced false righteousness while showing no concern for the eternally lost. As Jesus states in Luke 6:46, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?"
The Call to Reach Others
The mandate is clear - we must share the gospel any way we can. As Charles Spurgeon noted, "Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that." Our calling isn't to separate true believers from false ones, but rather to reach as many as possible with the truth of salvation.
The Wheat and the Weeds
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 teaches that both true believers and false converts will exist together until the final harvest. Our role isn't to uproot the weeds but to continually proclaim truth. Like FBI agents who study authentic currency to spot counterfeits, we must focus on presenting genuine Biblical truth rather than simply attacking falsehood.
Spiritual Blindness and Truth
2 Corinthians 4:1-6 reveals that spiritual blindness prevents many from seeing gospel truth. Our efforts alone cannot pierce this veil - only God's Spirit working through our faithful obedience can open spiritually blind eyes.
Hope in an Age of Unreason
We live in what journalist Melanie Phillips calls "a new age of unreason," where truth itself is rejected as threatening. Those holding to absolute truth face increasing hostility as society embraces what Romans 1:28 calls a "debased mind." Yet John 14:1-4 reminds believers that our ultimate hope rests not in changing culture but in Christ's promises.
The Call to Action
Our mandate remains unchanged - to share the gospel any way possible while maintaining unwavering commitment to Biblical truth. True hope springs from knowing we were saved while still sinners and now have the privilege of sharing that same transforming grace with others. The question isn't whether to share truth, but how to share it effectively in our specific context.