Road to Exile



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Living in Times of Spiritual Exile

As Western culture descends further into darkness, Christians must understand how to live faithfully while potentially facing exile within their own communities. Scripture provides two key progressions that help explain our current situation and point toward hope-filled responses.

The Descent into Spiritual Darkness

Proverbs outlines three descending stages of rejection of truth:

  • The Simple: Those who embrace shallow "live and let live" philosophies
  • The Fool: Those who openly reject God (Psalm 14:1)
  • The Scoffer: The militant fool who actively opposes truth and "sets cities aflame" (Proverbs 29:8)

Romans 1 reveals another downward progression as God "gives people over" to:

  1. Sexual impurity between men and women
  2. Shameful lusts and unnatural sexuality
  3. A depraved, unqualified mind incapable of rational thought

The Present Reality

Evidence suggests Western society has largely crossed into operating with what Scripture calls "depraved minds" - minds that can no longer engage in rational discourse or recognize basic reality. This manifests in:

  • Inability to have reasonable discussions about important issues
  • Rejection of biological reality and common sense
  • Policies that actively harm communities while being celebrated
  • Institutional capture by ideologies opposed to truth

The Path Forward

As Titus 2:1 commands, we must "teach what accords with sound doctrine." This requires:

  1. Recognizing that traditional apologetics assuming rational minds may no longer be effective
  2. Engaging with wisdom, grace and truth through building significant relationships
  3. Gathering in solid Bible-believing churches and small groups
  4. Maintaining fervent prayer and deep hope in God's promises

Finding Hope in Exile

True biblical hope isn't mere wishful thinking but a "deep settled confidence that God will keep His promises." As David wrote in Psalm 27:1-3, our confidence comes from knowing:

  • God is our light, delivering us from darkness
  • God is our salvation, securing our eternal souls
  • God is our strength, guaranteeing ultimate success

Only God can change hardened hearts and heal depraved minds. While we may face increasing hostility, we can maintain unshakeable hope by:

  • Remembering God's past faithfulness
  • Standing firm in biblical truth
  • Building unity with other believers
  • Keeping our eyes fixed on Christ rather than circumstances

Though the cultural darkness deepens, those who know Jesus can walk forward with confidence, knowing that our hope rests not in earthly circumstances but in God's unchanging character and promises.