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Global News Christian Views: Church Selling Plots in Heaven
A church in Mexico has launched a controversial fundraising campaign selling "plots of land in heaven" starting at $250 for 2.5 square meters. The church, identified as ENTOMS, claims their pastor received divine permission in 2017 to sell heavenly real estate. This practice isn't unprecedented - similar schemes have emerged in Zimbabwe and Uganda, leading to arrests.
This marketing of spiritual real estate represents a dangerous manipulation of faith. It's worse than prosperity gospel teachings or out-of-context scripture usage to line pockets. The authentic church must speak out against such false teaching while maintaining mercy and grace. Salvation and our heavenly dwelling place were secured through Christ's sacrifice - not for sale at any price.
Current Events: Hurricane Barrel Hits Texas Gulf Coast
Hurricane Barrel made landfall in Texas, marking only the fourth July hurricane to hit the state in 25 years. While initial reports indicated 2.7 million people lost power, the storm weakened significantly upon reaching the coast. The primary concerns centered around flooding, brief tornadoes, and power outages.
The church's response to natural disasters appears to be evolving. Where once congregations would gather specifically to pray for tsunami or hurricane victims, today's constant stream of catastrophic news can lead to compassion fatigue. While organizations like Samaritan's Purse remain consistently engaged, the broader church must balance maintaining compassion while not becoming overwhelmed by endless global crises.
Mars Simulation Crew Emerges
Four volunteer crew members completed a 378-day Mars simulation at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. Living in a 1,700-square-foot 3D-printed habitat, they conducted Mars-like operations including Mars walks, growing vegetables, and dealing with 22-minute communication delays to Earth.
The commitment to spend over a year in confined quarters for scientific advancement raises questions about what drives people to make such sacrifices. While younger generations might embrace such challenges for exploration's sake, many now feel an increasing urgency about eternal matters rather than earthly achievements. This shift reflects a growing sense that time is short and sharing the gospel should be our primary focus.
Right On or Way Off?
"Religion should be taught in school" WAY OFF! While America's educational foundation included biblical principles, today's multicultural landscape makes religious education in schools problematic. Faith formation belongs in homes and churches where sound doctrine can be properly taught.
"Politics should be kept out of school" WAY OFF! Politics naturally emerges whenever people gather. Rather than attempting to eliminate political discussion, schools should teach civics and government while helping students engage in civil discourse. Parents must remain engaged to help children process various perspectives.
"Lawns and boulevards should grow native plants rather than manicured grass" WAY OFF! While desert regions like Tucson successfully utilize native landscaping, allowing uncontrolled growth of native plants in fertile areas creates problems. Manicured lawns serve practical purposes - they reduce pests, make debris visible, and provide safe spaces for families. Environmental consciousness shouldn't override common sense maintenance.