NO Apology

Good Fruit, Bad Fruit

Jesus warns against false prophets, teaching us to discern by examining fruit. Even teaching thats mostly biblical but partially false produces bad fruit. Many will claim Lord, Lord without truly knowing Him. Current leadership patterns reveal concerning fruits of deception and misdirection.

Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw

2 min read

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Salvaged by God Deep Dive: Matthew 7

Following the example of personal devotions, let's explore the layers of truth found in Matthew 7. The chapter opens with the often misused "Judge not lest ye be judged" - a verse that doesn't prohibit judgment entirely, but rather warns against hypocritical judgment. The context reveals we must judge rightly, removing the log from our own eye first so we can help remove the speck from our brother's eye.

When Jesus teaches about asking and receiving, He's not promoting a prosperity gospel. The context aligns with seeking God's will rather than our own pleasures. Just as the Lord's Prayer emphasizes "Thy will be done," our asking should align with God's purposes, not our pagan desires.

The Golden Rule ties directly to doing unto others what we'd want done to us - including spiritual correction when needed. This flows into Jesus' teaching about the narrow gate, which isn't about works-based salvation but about the daily denial of self. The path is difficult precisely because it requires crucifying our flesh and submitting to God's will.

Good Trees, Bad Fruit

Jesus' teaching on false prophets provides clear markers for discernment. These wolves in sheep's clothing appear within the church, making recognition crucial. A tree is known by its fruit - and this goes deeper than just outward actions. Even teaching that's 85% biblical truth mixed with 15% falsehood produces bad fruit. The frightening reality is that many will claim "Lord, Lord" while having never truly known Him.

Current Events: Leadership Void

Recent developments highlight concerning leadership patterns. Vice President Kamala Harris continues spreading misinformation, particularly regarding tragic healthcare cases to promote abortion agenda. Meanwhile, reports indicate Dr. Jill Biden is increasingly running White House meetings. The fruit of current leadership reveals itself through deception and misdirection.

Right On or Way Off?

"Ignorant men raise questions that wise men answered a thousand years ago." RIGHT ON! While no question should be dismissed outright, many modern "deconstructions" simply rehash settled biblical truth.

"No one is harder to reach than a false Christian." RIGHT ON! Those convinced of their own righteousness often resist true gospel understanding, though ultimately all salvation depends on the Holy Spirit's work.

"A bowl of cereal is really cold soup." WAY OFF! Some things are simply sacred - including properly prepared breakfast cereal consumed before soggy transformation occurs.

The consistent theme throughout scripture and current application remains - examine the fruit, know the truth, and build your house upon the rock of God's word rather than shifting cultural sands.

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