End Times. Too Late for Revival?



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False Teachers and Defending Truth

As churches face increasing challenges with teachers abandoning biblical truth, the need to address false teaching while maintaining biblical discernment has never been more critical. The conversation around naming names versus focusing solely on biblical truth requires wisdom and balance. While constantly railing against individuals isn't productive, there are times when specific false teachers must be identified, particularly those with large public ministries and significant influence.

One example is Andy Stanley, whose early video series on marriage contained solid biblical teaching. However, his later positions on the Old Testament's relevance and various social issues have departed from biblical orthodoxy. Similarly, David Platt's early work, including "Radical," positively impacted many ministries, but his recent shift toward progressive ideology has compromised his credibility.

The Battle Against Self-Worship

Modern culture is increasingly "drunk with self," leading to widespread spiritual delusion. This self-addiction manifests in various ways, including some teachers referring to humans as "little gods." The biblical antidote is servanthood – following Christ's example of coming to serve rather than be served. This applies in marriages, ministry, and all aspects of life.

Social Media and Human Connection

The impact of social media on human communication has been largely detrimental. Despite unprecedented connectivity, loneliness is at historic highs. While technology like FaceTime can facilitate valuable connections with loved ones, social media has generally failed to foster genuine relationships. God designed humans for face-to-face, personal relationships that cannot be replicated through digital means.

Biblical Truth and Heart Knowledge

Many will miss Heaven by 18 inches – the distance from their head to their heart. As Dr. Steve Lawson notes, people can be religious but lost, having the Bible in their head without Christ in their heart. True faith requires more than intellectual understanding; it demands a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit's work.

The Role of Homemakers

C.S. Lewis's statement that "The homemaker has the ultimate career; all other careers exist for one purpose only and that is to support the ultimate career" speaks to the crucial role of raising the next generation. While this perspective values the influence of mothers during children's formative years, it's important to recognize that God gives both men and women important responsibilities that complement each other in marriage and family life.

Revival and Modern Ministry

While many pray for revival, the primary need is for revival among leaders, shepherds, and pastors. The church must return to its fundamental purpose of worship and edification of believers rather than prioritizing user-friendliness. Current challenges include maintaining biblical truth while engaging with culture and addressing the increasing prevalence of false teaching.