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Gramster Rant: The Progressive Woke Mind Virus
We are in a deception downpour, and the question is: how do you not get wet? This deception isn't just in the political realm or the spiritual Christianity realm—it's everywhere. From medicine to politics, from spiritual matters to social discourse, falsehood seems to saturate every corner of society.
Consider the CBS anchor who recently claimed "free speech was weaponized to commit genocide." This is the grift right there—trying to get you subconsciously thinking that maybe free speech isn't good all the time. Look for these subtle deceptions. They don't typically present as outright lies, but rather as slight twists on truth that slowly erode our foundations.
You've got to go back to the actual God of the Bible—The God Who is balanced, Who is both love and just at the same time. As JC Ryle warned, "Beware of manufacturing a god of your own, a God who is all mercy but not just, a God who is all love but not holy, a God who has a heaven for everybody but a hell for none... Such a god is an idol of your own, as truly as any snake or crocodile in an Egyptian temple."
The progressive woke mind virus has gone so far that it manifests itself in major ugly ways in cultures, in charismatic churches, and in minor ways in our personal walks. When we look around at what's happening in our society, we've got to narrow the road. If it doesn't line up fully with the scriptures, you have to either agree to disagree or reject it entirely. We can't change God's word to fit us—we have to change to conform to Him.
Take healing as an example of modern deception. God still heals—that's a fact. But He's never given the gift of healing to anybody after the New Testament apostles. It's His sovereign choice. When people claim it's always God's will to heal if you only have enough faith, that's a false teaching. It's a counterfeit of what the Bible actually says.
The harm comes when people aren't healed and start questioning their faith because they're told they didn't have enough faith or didn't plant a seed in some ministry. Sometimes health comes, sometimes it goes, but either way, when He calls us home, we will be fully healed. The reality is nothing is dependent on us—it's all a gift from God. The wisdom, the salvation, the comfort, the love, all of it is a gift to us.
Scripture provides our framework for navigating these deceptive times:
"The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (Jeremiah 17:9)
"Jesus answered: 'Watch out that no one deceives you.'" (Matthew 24:4)
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7)
Right On or Way Off
Superhero Job Interviews
"Everyone should be required to dress as their favorite superhero when they go in for a job interview."
RIGHT ON! Because sometimes you need to laugh more, and seeing someone come in painted green as the Hulk would certainly accomplish that. Plus, it might reveal something about character—just don't make everyone wear tights.
Birthday Crowns
"We should still wear self-made crowns on our birthdays like we did in grade school."
WAY OFF! Some traditions need to be let go. We've got to be realistic about what practices we carry forward and what we leave in childhood.
Fashion Philosophy
"Socks is to Fashion as Kleenex boxes are to Decor"
RIGHT ON! Both are either something you want people to notice and coordinate, or something you want to blend in completely unnoticed. Sometimes the smallest details reveal the biggest truths about how we present ourselves to the world.
Final Thoughts
Stay dry in the downpour of deception by staying close to the scriptures. Remember Psalm 37:12-14: "The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming." When you understand that they want your destruction, it's easier to stand firm.
We're not supposed to be the aggressors or go swashbuckling in to save everybody—that's Jesus's job. We're supposed to point to Him. Look for the grift, stay narrow on the path, and remember—when in doubt, progressives out. Sometimes people need unfiltered talk, and that's okay. You can handle the truth without turning into a rude jerk.
The key is growing in your walk with Christ while maintaining your discernment in this deceptive age. We still live in Babylon, and the enemy isn't going to take a day off, so we must stay "read up, prayed up, and ready to look up." Every Christian throughout history has looked for Christ's return—not as date-setters, but as faithful watchers. Let's be among those who keep watch while standing firm on truth.