Don't Be Deceived! But How?



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The Critical Problem of Deception

False teachers are exploding in numbers, with many formerly trusted voices going off the rails doctrinally. Even respected teachers like Ravi Zacharias, while maintaining sound doctrine, can disqualify themselves through their conduct. Others, like David Platt, start with solid teaching but drift into problematic "woke" theology, requiring believers to exercise discernment and sometimes walk away from teachers they once trusted.

Scripture's Warning About End-Times Deception

The Bible directly addresses this challenge in 1 Timothy 4:1-4, warning that "in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons." This comes through insincere liars whose consciences are seared, often manifesting in legalistic rules about marriage, food, and other manmade restrictions that burden believers unnecessarily.

The Revival Deception

A particularly concerning trend is the widespread push for revival, with many claiming "revival is breaking out" in various locations. While we naturally hope for people to be saved, Scripture indicates that the end times will be marked by increasing darkness, not widespread revival. Matthew 24:12-14 states that "because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold." Our focus should be on preparing believers to endure and hold fast to truth, not chasing claims of revival.

Characteristics of False Teachers

  1. They creep in unnoticed (Jude 1:4)
  2. Many people follow them - popularity is not a mark of truth
  3. They stir up division (Romans 16:17)
  4. They start with sound doctrine but gradually move away from it (1 John 2:19)

Breaking Free from Deception

The key to avoiding deception is knowing your position in Christ and staying grounded in Scripture. When you discover you've been deceived:

  • Don't let embarrassment keep you from acknowledging it
  • Be willing to separate from false teachers
  • Return to Scripture as your foundation
  • Remember that true believers will welcome those who repent and return to truth

Warning Signs of False Teaching

  • Claims of special revelation beyond Scripture
  • Focus on financial "seed-sowing"
  • Creation of new titles like "New Apostle"
  • Teaching that contradicts clear Biblical truth
  • Manipulation through guilt or fear

The antidote to deception is simple but requires diligence: stay in God's Word, which is "so full, so perfect that for God to make any fresh revelation to you or me is quite needless." While God certainly still speaks to and guides believers, He does so in alignment with, not in addition to, His completed Word.

Right On or Way Off Verdicts

"My life got better when I realized I didn't have to be nice. Nice got me ran over, stressed out and disrespected. I'm not nice, I'm a good person - there's a difference." RIGHT ON! Being good doesn't mean being a pushover. Jesus himself demonstrated righteous boldness when confronting false teaching.

"One reason my dog and I are so close is that we both hate it when I vacuum." RIGHT ON! (Though Chris maintains his "Way Off" stance as a vacuum enthusiast)

"I have little confidence in those persons who speak of having received direct revelations from the Lord as though he appeared otherwise than by and through the gospel." RIGHT ON! (With the caveat that God does still guide believers personally, but never in contradiction to Scripture)