NO Apology

Creation and the Truth of a Young Earth with Special Guest Russ Miller

Discover how Russ Millers journey from businessman to creation science minister challenges evolutionary theory and presents compelling evidence for a young earth. Learn about the four-second dismantling of Darwinism and the battle for biblical truth in churches and academia.

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The Power of Creation Truth: A Conversation with Russ Miller

From successful businessman to creation science minister, Russ Miller's journey began when he encountered undeniable evidence that challenged his theistic evolutionary beliefs. At age 40, while running a thriving nationwide business, Miller stumbled upon information that exposed how deeply he had been misled about origins. Within 15 minutes of examining the evidence, his perspective changed dramatically. After four years of intensive study, he made the radical decision to give away his business and dedicate his life to sharing creation truth.

The Four-Second Dismantling of Darwinism

Miller presents a devastatingly simple argument against evolutionary theory: "Gene depletion plus natural selection makes Darwinism impossible." This concise statement exposes a fundamental flaw in evolutionary thinking. Genetic depletion occurs as variations, adaptations, and mutations result in the sorting or loss of genetic information, creating progressively weaker gene pools. Natural selection, rather than being a creative force, acts as God's quality assurance program, removing organisms that have lost too much genetic information.

Understanding the Age of the Earth

The foundation of old-earth beliefs rests on uniform processes and denial of a global flood - precisely what 2 Peter 3 warns would characterize scoffers in the last days. Miller notes that the real scientific evidence, particularly at the Grand Canyon, overwhelmingly supports a young earth and global flood model. Red Butte and Cedar Butte stand as two of the strongest proofs of catastrophic flood geology anywhere in the world.

The Battle for Biblical Truth

Churches' reluctance to address creation issues stems from compromise with old-earth beliefs. Miller emphasizes that millions of years is not merely a side issue but forms the foundation for naturalism, humanism, modern atheism, and various compromised positions within the church. He warns that those promoting a different Jesus than the one who created in six days and judged with a global flood are leading people astray.

Responding to Culture

Miller addresses both Christian and secular resistance to creation truth:

  • Within churches: Many desire to fit secular worldviews into Scripture rather than letting Scripture shape their worldview
  • In academia: There's strong resistance because accepting creation truth requires submitting to God's authority
  • Among skeptics: Most self-proclaimed atheists are actually agnostics when pressed on the evidence
  • For everyone: The fulfilled prophecies of Scripture provide compelling evidence for biblical reliability

Practical Ministry Impact

Miller's ministry focuses on making creation truth accessible through:

  • Educational tours at the Grand Canyon demonstrating flood evidence
  • The "Top 10 Darwinian Lies in Textbooks" presentation
  • Non-copyrighted resources for widespread distribution
  • Creation-evolution curriculum for high school credit
  • Speaking engagements exposing evolutionary frauds still taught in schools

The impact has been significant - from college courses launched to counter his message to a biologist leaving her position to teach at a Christian school after encountering the evidence.

Miller emphasizes that real operational science supports biblical creation, while historical science makes assumptions about the unobservable past. The goal isn't to attack people but to help them understand that God's Word can be trusted from the very first verse.

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