Christians and the Red Wave



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Gramster Rant: A Good Day for Women

November 6th was a remarkable day for women - particularly those who truly love their children and daughters. The absurdity of activists claiming to "love their daughters so much" they want to ensure they can terminate their granddaughters reveals a doctrine of demons, not love. This election signals a return to letting states handle these matters appropriately.

It was also a victory for women in sports, highlighting the hypocrisy of those who accept biological men competing against women while rejecting electoral outcomes. Title IX protections can now be restored, ensuring fair competition.

Working women will benefit as their dollars go further, whether employed outside the home or managing households. When the economy strengthens, it creates more flexibility for women to spend time with their families as they desire.

Women of faith can celebrate no longer being told to change their beliefs to participate in society. Previous administration officials proudly declared there would be "no religious exemptions" for matters of conscience - but they didn't speak for most women, as this election proved.

The Long March Through Institutions: How Culture Went Woke

The foundation for today's cultural transformation was laid decades ago. When Marxist professors saw their ideology failing globally in the late 1980s, rather than abandoning their views, they doubled down and repackaged them for American universities.

Following student activist Rudi Dutschke's strategy of "the long march through the institutions," leftist groups methodically infiltrated universities, government, media and other influential sectors. Protected by academic freedom policies and tenure, they shaped successive generations of students.

This produced graduates preconditioned by helicopter parenting to view the world as dangerous and unfair, making them receptive to theories painting America as fundamentally oppressive. The result: campus unrest, censorship of dissenting voices, and ultimately the mainstreaming of woke ideology throughout society.

Salvaged by God Deep Dive: The Great Commission Focus

In evaluating cultural victories, Christians must remember we remain citizens of heaven living in Babylon. While civic participation matters, our primary mandate comes from Matthew 28:18-20:

"Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in Heaven and Earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.'"

Right On or Way Off?

"No one should use their religion to take away other people's rights" WAY OFF! You cannot separate people's deepest beliefs from the laws they support. The real question is whose worldview will shape governance - atheist, humanist, or biblical?

"There's no such thing as Progressive Christianity" RIGHT ON! You either submit to Christ or to culture - you cannot serve both. While individuals may hold progressive leanings while finding salvation, most progressive Christianity demonstrates fruits of false teaching.

"If I look to the spirit alone without the word, I lay myself open to great delusions" RIGHT ON! As George Mueller noted, the Holy Spirit guides according to Scripture, never contrary to it. Both Word and Spirit work in perfect harmony to point to Christ.