NO Apology

Changing Your World!

The widening chasm in society is evident, from celebrity contrasts to technological isolation. Yet Scripture reminds us: There is nothing new under the sun. While challenges intensify, God remains in control. Discover your assignment in serving Him, understanding biblical principles transcend...

Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw

3 min read

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Gramster Rant: The Widening Chasm of Modern Society

As we enter 2024, there's a stark reality emerging - things are falling down in unprecedented ways. This isn't just about generational differences or preferences; we're seeing fundamental fractures across society. From celebrity squabbles to church divisions, an ever-widening chasm is forming between people who should be unified.

This divide became particularly evident in the music industry last year. Consider the contrast between Taylor Swift, backed by a massive machine and generational wealth, versus Oliver Anthony, an off-grid musician living in a camper with his family. Despite their polar opposite positions, Anthony actually outperformed Swift in views and engagement. This stark contrast perfectly illustrates the societal divide we're experiencing.

Technology, meant to connect us, is increasingly isolating us. Simple communications now require multiple phone numbers, email addresses, and platforms - often resulting in more confusion than connection. The very tools designed to bring our world together are driving us further apart.

But there's profound comfort in Scripture. As Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, "There is nothing new under the sun." What has been done before will be done again. It's the same good and evil that's always been at work, though the Bible warns us of intensification in the end days. That's exactly what we're witnessing - not new problems, but intensified versions of age-old struggles.

Yet God's word repeatedly tells us to "fear not" - 366 times, one for every day plus a bonus. Through all the disconnectedness, isolation, and intensifying challenges, God remains in control. Nothing takes Him by surprise.

Salvaged by God Deep Dive: Finding Your Assignment

The Christian life isn't about annual resolutions or choosing a "word for the year." It's about discovering and fulfilling your God-given assignment. Everyone who knows Jesus has an assignment - He doesn't save anyone to sit on the bench.

Your assignment might be:

  • Weekly: Greeting at church or serving communion
  • Monthly: Leading a small group
  • Seasonal: Organizing outreach events
  • Daily: Prayer ministry or practical service

These assignments aren't necessarily lifelong commitments. They may last a week, a month, or a season. The key is participating in whatever way God calls you, treating your service as part of your first fruits offering to Him.

Understanding Biblical Context While Preserving Truth

It's crucial to understand cultural context when studying Scripture. However, this differs from those who try to rewrite biblical truth by claiming ancient writers "didn't understand" modern issues. While language and customs change, principles remain constant.

Consider this example: The phrase "I pulled up to the pump and filled up" would make no sense 2,000 years ago, but the principle of fueling transportation would be understood. Similarly, biblical principles transcend time and culture, even as their applications may look different.

Right On or Way Off?

"No matter how far you have walked away from God, the return trip is only one step." RIGHT ON! When you genuinely turn to God in repentance, He is faithful and just to forgive. While you shouldn't use this as license to sin, knowing that restoration is just one step away provides hope for those who have drifted.

"The walk with Jesus is like sometimes being on a roller coaster - it's okay to scream." RIGHT ON! Just read the Psalms - David's emotional journey from highest praise to deepest despair shows that God can handle our raw emotions and honest cries.

"If God can handle your salvation from sin and your eternal destiny, He certainly can help you get through a bad day." RIGHT ON! Nothing is too big or too small to bring before God. He cares about parking spaces and lost items just as He cares about eternal matters. Prayer isn't about formality - it's about honest relationship with our Father.

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