Emilee Danielson
Emilee, host of NO Apology, is a 20+ year Christian broadcaster, pastor’s wife, writer, former homeschool mom, and proud grandmother. She enjoys painting, her two dogs, and life in rural Iowa.
There’s a Dr. Doolittle in all of us
Emilee Danielson
The United States WAS Founded on Christian Principles by Christians
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw
Spiritual Warfare is Real! NO Apology with Emilee & Chris
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw
Deconstructionism. The dangers of unsound doctrine. NO Apology with Emilee & Chris
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw
NO Apology with Emilee and Chris Pilot Episode with Special Guest Al Robertson of Duck Dynasty
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Al Robertson