Chris Danielson
Seminary-trained pastor, author, and filmmaker ('Bible Idiots', 'Colors of Character'). Former radio host, co-hosts 'NO Apology' podcast with wife Emilee. Senior Pastor at Fresh Encounter Church.

Violence Against Churches Increasing Under Biden
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Scott Mills, Jeremiah Bieker
Politics from the Pulpit, NO Apology with Emilee & Chris with Special Guest Pastor Jay Johnson
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Jay Johnson
NO Apology w/ Emilee & Chris Restart Mashup
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Al Robertson, Don Keith
NO Apology with Emilee & Chris - Bud Light Boycott, Rapture Predictions, Don Keith, and much more...
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Don Keith
NO Apology with Emilee and Chris Pilot Episode with Special Guest Al Robertson of Duck Dynasty
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Al Robertson