Equipping believers for challenging times is crucial. We must prepare spiritually, writing Gods Word on our hearts and proclaiming the gospel while we can. Christmas in July raises questions about cultural celebrations, but may reflect a yearning for Christs peace. Debates on free speech,...
Chris Danielson
Seminary-trained pastor, author, and filmmaker ('Bible Idiots', 'Colors of Character'). Former radio host, co-hosts 'NO Apology' podcast with wife Emilee. Senior Pastor at Fresh Encounter Church.

Is Christmas in July a good thing? Equipping the Saints, and Right On Way Off
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw
You Can Fight Sex Trafficking! Special Guest Steve Biondo, Tim Tebow Foundation President
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Steve Biondo
The United States WAS Founded on Christian Principles by Christians
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw
Creation and the Truth of a Young Earth with Special Guest Russ Miller
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Russ Miller
NO Apology with Emilee & Chris, Illusionist Unmasks Deception with Special Guest Rod Robison
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Rod Robison
Spiritual Warfare is Real! NO Apology with Emilee & Chris
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw
Deconstructionism. The dangers of unsound doctrine. NO Apology with Emilee & Chris
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw
AMAZING Salvation Story | NO Apology with Emilee & Chris
Emilee Danielson, Chris Danielson, Mike Shaw, Bryan Dawson